Sunday, June 28, 2009

We are here ...

In the pre-op area getting ready to go!

Luolin, Kurt and I are in Bangor for the night. We will head to the hospital around 6:30 ... stay tuned.

We arrived at the hospital around 6:45, got checked in and met our first nurse, Linda. We spent time in the pre-op area watching TV, meeting with doctors and getting ready. Luo recognized her doctor when he walked in! She handled everything very well.

Her anesthesiologist came and spoke to her and asked if either mom or dad were going in while she went to sleep. I decided to go. She was very good about everything ... within minutes, she was wired up and ready to sleep. It didn't take long after that for her eyes to close. As I walked out, I saw her surgeon, who gave me a nod and a smile.

Here we sit waiting ...

1 comment:

  1. She doesn't even look scared! Well, I'm praying. But I know everything will be just fine. She'll be tearing the house apart again in no tme at all.
